Hydrogen bonding networks in YASARAMost protein structures solved by X-ray crystallography have a drawback that becomes apparent as soon as the structure is used for molecular simulations and related applications: the electron density traces the shape of the molecules, but does not really permit to identify hydrogen atoms or distinguish the heavier elements C, N and O. Consequently ambiguities arise if groups of atoms can be rotated without affecting the overall shape. Typical examples in proteins are the side-chains
of asparagine and
glutamine, whose terminal amide group can be rotated by 180°
with almost no impact on the electron density. The same applies to the
imidazole ring of histidine, which can additionally adopt three
different pH dependent protonation patterns, giving rise to six
different states, that can hardly be distinguished based on the
electron density alone. Aspartates and glutamates can adopt three
different states (negatively charged or neutral with the hydrogen on
either of the two terminal side-chain oxygens), with the neutral states
being mostly important for buried residues with strongly shifted pKa
values. If a molecular simulation is run with
incorrectly oriented or protonated side-chains, the protein stability
can be reduced significantly, in the worst case the protein may
even fall apart. The only way to resolve the issue is to infer the
correct orientations and protonation patterns from the chemical
environment, most importantly the hydrogen bonding possibilities. Since
several of the critical side-chains are often found in close contact, a
choice made for one side-chain immediately influences others, giving
rise to a hydrogen bonding network that must be optimized in one shot.
This topic has been pioneered by WHAT IF in 1996[1], and YASARA
Structure expands the original concepts with a number of additional
features: Consideration
of bumps: One side-chain amide hydrogen of Asn 193 in PDB file
2BNU (second image on the right) bumps strongly into the side-chain of
Lys 152 (1.29 Å distance), another hydrogen of Asn 192 is very close to
its own backbone carbon (2.11 Å). Flipping both side-chains resolves
the issue, showing that bumps can provide important hints[2]. A
classic case is Asn 189 nearby: its side-chain oxygen is unfavorably
close (3 Å) to a backbone oxygen, both carry a negative partial
charge. After flipping the side-chain around, a perfect hydrogen
bond can be formed. The water molecule in between easily adapts to the
new environment (third image on the right). pH dependent
analysis of ligands: The fourth image shows two inhibitors with
residue name CHQ in PDB file 1W1T. YASARA's molecular
typing capabilities let it recognize the imidazole rings and
conclude that the state of the imidazole in CHQ 1514 is uniquely
determined by an internal hydrogen bond. The other imidazole in CHQ
1513 is more difficult: from the built-in pH
model, YASARA knows that the standard pKa of the imidazole ring is
6.95. The hydrogen bonding scoring function predicts that the influence
of the neighboring carboxyls of Asp 215 and Glu 144 is more than enough
to shift this pKa above 7 (the crystallization conditions), leading to
a positively charged imidazole where both nitrogens are protonated and
donate hydrogen bonds to the nearby carboxyl groups. The alternative of
a neutral Glu 144 donating a hydrogen bond to the imidazole is ruled
out because the pKa of a carboxyl group is much lower at around 4.0 and
protonation thus much more costly. Identification
of ambiguous ligand electron density: The last image on the
right shows a nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide cofactor in PDB file
1A5Z. YASARA analyzes the molecule and concludes that the orientation
of the amide group bound to the nicotine ring cannot be determined from
the electron density and should thus be optimized. The hydrogen
bonding network analysis then immediately recognizes the error in the
NAD structure and rotates the amide group by 180° (green
arrows), so that two perfect hydrogen bonds can be formed with the
backbone of Thr 246. Jumping ligand
protons: The nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide cofactor from the
previous example contains an internal pyrophosphate group. If the user
decided to optimize the hydrogen bonding network at very low pH, YASARA
would have to add one or two protons to the pyrophosphate. Putting
aside the question whether or not the protein can still fold at low pH,
YASARA scores all permutations of protonation states to find the best
one: four states for placing one proton, and 12 states for placing two
protons on the four available oxygens. Solvation
effects: While hydrogen bonding network optimizers often
tend to maximize the number of hydrogen bonds, YASARA minimizes the
number of energetically unfavorable structural features instead. The
differences can be subtle and often involve solvation effects, where
the first approach does not yield to correct answer. High
YASARA uses the same graph-theory algorithm
as for protein side-chain prediction, combining dead-end
elimination with graph reduction to biconnected components[3], so that
the hydrogen bonding network can be solved within a fraction of a
second. Including the setup time, the optimization of a typical protein
takes about 1-3 seconds including water molecules.
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