Optimizing protein structures with NOVAOne of the conclusions drawn at the
last two CASP meetings in
Asilomar was that applying various force fields during refinement
of template-based models tends to move predictions in the wrong
direction - away from the experimentally determined coordinates. NOVA
is an all-atom force field aimed at protein + nucleotide optimization
in vacuo which has been specifically designed to avoid
this problem. NOVA resembles common molecular dynamics force fields,
but has been automatically parameterized with two major goals:
The NOVA force field has been relaunched in January 2012, with much higher performance (SIMD&multi core support), much higher accuracy (knowledge-based potentials), and automatic force field parameter assignment for organic molecules. More details about the improved NOVA force field can be found here. Figure 1: The average RMSD between
models and targets during an extensive energy minimization of 14
homology models with two different force fields. Both force fields
improve the models during the first ~500 energy minimization steps but
then the small errors sum up in the classic force field and guide the
minimization in the wrong direction, away from the target, while the
self-parameterizing NOVA force field goes in the right direction. To
reach experimental accuracy, the minimization would have to proceed all
the way down to ~0.5 Å which is the uncertainty in experimentally
determined coordinates. |