Update or full download for registered users
Normally you just have to fill in
your email address or serial number and press the 'Update' button (the
serial number is required if you download your first update, and can
be found in the first mail or by clicking on Help > About YASARA). You will then receive an email with a download link.
However, if you want to download the complete program,
possibly for a different computer or operating system, additionally
type '1.1.1' in the 'Update from YASARA version' field and choose a new
operating system or processor.
Be careful in
the following situations:
You requested an update but did
not install it: now our database is out of sync with your installation.
You must also input your current YASARA version to get the correct
update (click Help > About YASARA to display your current version, or simply Help > Request update).
You want to change your
operating system or processor: just choose the new one from the list.
You own a group leader license with two registered
email addresses: best enter your email address instead of the serial number to
make sure that the update is not sent to the other person, or
configure the update receiver here.
If you are struggling with a Windows virus scanner that does not permit to download an *.exe installer, or is even broken (e.g. F-Secure/Avira have not been able to fix a false alarm about Trojan.TR/Crypt.EPACK.Gen2 since 2021), enter ZIP in the 'Update from YASARA version' field to get a ZIP archive instead of an *.exe installer.
You want to use YASARA on
different computers with different operating systems: in this case,
there are two options. 1) Choose a master installation which you keep
up-to-date. Select the appropriate combination of operating systems
such that the master's OS is listed first. Then copy the updated YASARA
folder to your other machines. 2) Update each installation
independently. In this case, always type in the YASARA version you want
to update and choose the right operating system.
You own the YASARA/WHATIF Twinset but want to download
YASARA alone to run on computers with little memory: simply enter
NoTwinset in the 'Update from YASARA version' field.