# YASARA MACRO # TOPIC: 5. Structure Determination # TITLE: Solve an NMR structure # REQUIRES: YASARA Structure and NMR Structure Determination Module # AUTHOR: Elmar Krieger, Sander Nabuurs, Chris Spronk # LICENSE: GPL # DESCRIPTION: This macro solves an NMR structure based on a protein sequence and a restraint file in XPLOR format # To solve a structure, you need: # - The protein sequence, in FASTA or PDB format, # default filenames are 'sequence.pdb' or 'sequence.fasta' # - A file with distance and dihedral angle restraints, # default filename is 'restraints.tbl' # # You can either set the target by clicking on Options > Macro > Set target, # by providing it as command line argument (see docs at Essentials > The command line), # or by uncommenting the line below and specifying it directly. #macrotarget = 'c:\MyProject\1crn' # If you want to change the defaults, do it here # (look in nmr_setdefaults to see what you can change) # Fold the structure from the stretched out conformation include nmr_fold # Create something that looks like a real protein by in vacuo refinement include nmr_refinevacuo # Use everything we got to arrive at an accurate structure by explicit solvent refinement include nmr_refinesolvent # Analyze the quality and create the final bundle include nmr_analyze # Exit YASARA if this macro was provided as command line argument in console mode and not included from another macro if runWithMacro and ConsoleMode and !IndentationLevel Exit